Methodology of Research Christian Values Influence on Formation of Legal Culture of Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to clarify the methodological approaches to the study of the influence of Christian values on the formation of domestic legal culture. The methodological basis of the publication was the application of a set of methods, which is necessary for the realization of the scientific goal, in particular: methods of formal logic (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and hermeneutics, which made it possible to study the texts of normative, doctrinal and religious sources, to reveal the essence of certain scientific positions of modern authors. Scientific novelty. The methodological approach proposed by the author can serve as a basis for further study Christianity influence on the formation of value bases of domestic legal culture. Conclusions. The methodology of studying the influence of Christian values on the formation of the legal culture of Ukraine has a complex architecture, which is not limited to a set of philosophical or general scientific methods. The analysis of the doctrines of Christian churches should be supplemented by the study of the practice of these churches, which allows to achieve objectivity in the assessment of religious influence on the law. In the methodological sense, it is important to develop the necessary conceptual and categorical apparatus, because it depends on the level of theoretical generalizations of the study.

Keywords: methodology; method; categorical apparatus; Christian values; legal culture; process of cognition.


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Author Biography

I. Tkachuk

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Methodology of law