Informational Understanding of Culture in the context of Ensuring National Security of a Country
Information security is an integral part of the country’s national security. Under such conditions, there is a natural temptation and even the need to limit enemy information and / or cultural content. In particular, for Ukraine in conditions of Russian aggression, such hostile content is influences of Russian origin. However, such restrictions may be unacceptable, or may be unacceptable by interested parties, in civilized democratic societies. Thus, the purpose of the study of the proposed article is a systematic analysis and justification of an informational understanding of culture for the development and justification of approaches to acceptable restrictions in a democratic country of hostile informational and cultural content in the interests of the national security of the country, in particular, to counter Russian information wars against Ukraine. The research methodology is based on the methods of documentary analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis, objective truth, which allowed us to systematically trace the approaches to the objective establishment of the relationship between the concepts of «information» and «culture». The study has a comprehensive interdisciplinary nature and is based on knowledge in the field of ethology, anthropology, evolutionism, cultural studies, constitutional and information law. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a systematic analysis and justification of an informational understanding of culture is presented with the aim of developing and justifying approaches to acceptable restrictions on hostile informational and cultural content in democratic countries in the interests of the country’s national security, in particular, to counter Russian information wars against Ukraine. Conclusions. An informational understanding of culture makes it possible to apply international democratic standards of freedom of information and its limitations to the field of artistic expression. Such an understanding of culture creates the theoretical and legal basis for making informed decisions regarding the restriction of access to the Ukrainian information and cultural space of the information and cultural content of the Russian Federation as an aggressor country.
Keywords: information; culture; communication of individuals; information exchange; artistic expression; freedom of expression.
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