Logical Means of Investigative Activity Optimization
The purpose of the article consists in a search of logical means of enhancing the efficiency of analysis of investigative versions, evidential materials and testimonies, and also in systematic elaborating the technology of application such means in investigators’ practical activity. Methodology. The method of comparative analysis is used for the exposure of sources of basic contradictions, traced in the most widespread methodological approaches to decision of the examined problem in modern literature. The methods of logical modeling, generalization and formalization are used during the elaboration of logical heuristic strategies and algorithms of investigative optimization. Scientific novelty. Basing upon the methodological tools of the modern logic, there’s constructed an algorithm of investigative activity optimization, which allows systematizing heuristic and searching procedures in this field. Besides, there’s proposed some recommendations, concerned with the technology of effective using the mentioned algorithm in investigative practice. Conclusions. There’s proved that, being used in association with knowledge and experience in forensic and detective operational spheres, methods of logical analysis open wide opportunities in enhancing the efficiency of investigative activity. Particularly, the technique, grounded upon logical heuristic strategies of investigation and algorithms of version «filtration» on proved data base, is an effective mean of systematized narrowing of searching diapason during the planning and conducting the investigative procedures. Moreover, such technique can serve as a ground for elaborating the analytic strategies for the evaluation of certainty and sufficiency of material evidences and testimonies.
Keywords: investigative methodology; efficiency of investigative procedures; optimization of investigative activity; investigative logic; logical analysis of versions; logical criteria of provability; technology of logical arrangement of investigation.
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