State and Political Views in the Universalist System of Pythagoras’ Worldview
The purpose of this article is to introduce (or return) into scientific circulation information about the forgotten universal ancient thinker, philosopher and sage – Pythagoras. He was the originator of European philosophy, science, culturology, musicology, and others. In the holistic teaching of the thinker it is necessary to highlight the state and political views that served as the basis for their development by other ancient philosophers and sages. The methodological basis of the content of this article is mathematical and logical methodology (see my articles in the journals «Philosophical and methodological problems of law» № 1–2 for 2013 and № 1 for 2014, «Legal psychology and pedagogy»№ 1 (15) for 2014). The scientific novelty is that the author for the first time sees the teachings and worldview of Pythagoras as a whole (not even a mosaic) in which the statesmanship and political views of the thinker are inextricably represented. Domestic and foreign scholars ignore the figure of Pythagoras and his teachings in silence or in a few sentences (sometimes pages). An exception is the monograph and scientific articles of my student Professor Serhiy Melenko. Conclusions: I believe that the legacy of Pythagoras should be studied holistically (or at least comprehensively) and return this name to the history of philosophy, the history of philosophy of law, the history of science in general.
Keywords: Pythagoras; pythagorean community; acoumatics; mathematics; cosmology; soul; pythagorean ethics; state; political system.
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