Institutional Directions of Research of the Language Policy Model
The purpose of the article – is to explore the basics of the model of language policy, which is base don language policy and the Ukrainian language which is a state institution and its indicator, based on such institutional areas as historical, discursive, constructivist, network, social and others. The methodological basis of the article are such institutional areas as: historical institutionalism, which analyzes the constructive and destructive problems of forming a model of language policy at certain stages of Ukrainian statehood; institutional constructivism (French construct, Latin constructio-construction), due to which the subjects of politics, which are the state, government, parliament, deputies, factions, political parties, etc. Institutions that regulate and direct language policy through formal and informal constructive institutions that operate on the basis of a political network of language policy models, which in each state has its own structure and history of formation; discursive institutionalism, through which the subjects of policy institutions of the language policy model interact in order to draw attention to the language – political problem and solve it (Bratski, 2012); network institutionalism, through which political networks are analyzed as structural institutions based on formal and informal, constructive and destructive institutions that shape and regulate language policy and solve language – political problems at the level of political communication. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the basics of the language policy model are studies on the basis of the activities of formal and informal institutions, which constructively or destructively influence the formation or inhibition of the development of the language policy model. It should be noted that formal and informal inhibitions Change depending on what ideology and political regime prevail at the state level, as they in one way or another influence the formation, renewal, change, development and inhibition of language policy model. Conclusions. The institutional approach to the study of the language policy model is: a conscious understanding of the activities of legislative, executive, judicial, formal and informal institutions of the state aimed at regulating and solving language and political problems and building a model on this basis; analysis of the implementation of language policy at the formal and informal levels, which provides communicative links in all spheres and areas of socio-political life of the state; comprehension of the institutional basis of the model, which in Ukraine is the Ukrainian language as a state institution that provides communicative relations and connections in educational, political, cultural, scientific, ets levels.
Keywords: institutional directions; traditional and new; institutionalism; language policy; Ukrainian language as a state institution; language policy model; historical, constructivist, discursive, network, social institutionalism; constructive and destructive, formal and informal institutions.
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