Philosophy of Sustainable Development as a Guideline for the Formation of Modern State Housing Policy

  • S. Komnatnyi

    Ph.D in Pedagogic, Doctoral Student of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the study is to make proposals on the need to rethink at the philosophical level the paradigms of sustainable development strategy in the field of housing policy and develop guidelines for housing strategy in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Methodology. The methodological tools were chosen taking into account the purpose, specifics of the subject and object of research, through a systematic comparative legal analysis of international instruments in the field of sustainable development and housing policy. Modeling of guiding principles taking into account the main postulates of sustainable development. Scientific novelty. In connection with the implementation of a number of international acts in Ukraine, in the field of sustainable development, there is a need in determining, at the scientific level, the possibility of their practical implementation and understanding of their essence and impact on society at the philosophical and legal level. Conclusions.International organizations consider sustainable development as the main ideology of the third millennium, and international regulations identify the problem of providing citizens with housing as one of the problems on the path to sustainable development and call on countries to develop housing strategies aimed at implementing housing policies that will regulate the issue of providing decent housing for all.

Keywords: sustainable development; guidelines; housing strategy; housing policy; sufficient housing; affordable housing; decent housing; housing rights.


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Author Biography

S. Komnatnyi

Ph.D in Pedagogic, Doctoral Student of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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