National Governance as a Basis for Developing a New Language Policy Model in Modern Conditions
The purpose of the article is to analyze national governance as a basis for building a model of language policy on a new institutional framework, which changes if some political elites are replaced by others. The methodological basis of the article is a set of philosophical, philosophical and legal and general scientific methods. Determinants are dialectical, logical, historical, systemic, structural and functional methods, as well as activity, institutional, semiotic and other interdisciplinary approaches. Scientific novelty. The position is argued that national government will have a constructive basis for building a model of language policy only if it operates in an independent democracy and develops on a new institutional framework, when different political institutions will be able to compete and compete with each other not only in elections, but also in everyday political life. In this regard, the constructive actions of communist, on the one hand, and national-democratic political forces – on the other, which in the late 1989 – early 1990s jointly adopted several pieces of legislation, including the law «On languages in the Ukrainian SSR», which declared the Ukrainian language the state language; Declaration of State Sovereignty, without which the Act of Independence of Ukraine would not have been proclaimed; All-Ukrainian referendum, during which the President of independent Ukraine was elected. Conclusions. The destructive consequences of the government of pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine are the adoption of such laws as: «On ratification of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages»; «On the principles of state language policy», which intensified the division of the Ukrainian community and the state at the regional, linguistic and political and other levels. This contradicts the national interests of modern Ukraine, threatens its independence and the development of a model of language policy on a new institutional basis. To solve this problem, it is necessary to intensify the development of the outlined areas of research, to attract the attention of representatives of national democratic political forces, political scientists, legal scholars and policy makers.
Keywords: national government; independent state; political networks; language policy models; new institutional framework.
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