Features of Liability for Violation of the Right to Information, Security of Journalists
The purpose of the article is to analyze the legal framework for prosecuting journalists for violations of the right to information and security in Ukraine. This presupposes the setting of the following tasks: to investigate the existing legal framework of Ukraine in this area; describe the guarantees of ensuring the right to information, including the right to public information, the safety of journalists in carrying out their professional activities; to find out the essence of the phenomenon of defamation, the practice of foreign states to establish responsibility for this act; to reveal the features of liability for violation of the right to information, security of journalists in Ukraine, cases of exemption from liability for violation of information legislation; formulate proposals for improving the institution of responsibility for violating the right to information, security of journalists in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the study are, in particular, comparative law, system, structural and functional, legal semiotics and other methods of scientific knowledge. Scientific novelty. The study based on the analysis of the existing legal framework and doctrinal approaches allowed to identify the features of liability for violation of the right to information, security of journalists in Ukraine. The main types of such liability are: administrative, disciplinary, civil and criminal, but not unified and contained in a number of legislative cases of exemption from liability for violations of legislation in this area. Conclusions. Proposals for improving the legal framework and law enforcement practice of the institute of responsibility for violating the right to information and security of journalists in Ukraine have been formulated. It is expedient to establish responsibility for acts of defamation, to increase the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution for offenses committed against journalists in connection with their professional activities; protection of the activities of citizen journalists; strengthening the responsibility for committing criminal offenses against journalists, determining the status of journalists, journalistic activities, the legal status of online media and online media journalists in accordance with European standards. Specificity is the responsibility for violating the right to information, safety of journalists in carrying out their professional activities in areas of hostilities, emergencies, in the territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation. In general, the activities of the legislator, the system of prosecutors, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine, the State Bureau of Investigation and other authorized bodies, with the participation of the public, should be consistent and timely.
Keywords: right to information, security of journalists, professional activity, responsibility, defamation, legislation.
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