The Mental Level of the Problem of Accounting for Citizens in Need of Better Housing Conditions
The purpose of the study is to analyse the relationship between paternalistic attitudes in society regarding the state’s obligations to provide housing for citizens and the legal basis for such attitudes, make suggestions on the need to rethink at the philosophical level approaches and guidelines for identifying citizens in need of support in providing housing and registration order of such citizens. Methodology. The methodological tools were chosen taking into account the purpose, specifics of the subject and object of research, through a systematic comparative legal analysis of current law, which regulates these relationships and reviews the results of recent sociological research. Scientific novelty. In connection with the aspirations of our state to systemic changes aimed at protecting human rights, including the right to housing, as evidenced by a number of declarative acts of the authorities, it is necessary to develop new approaches to formulating policies to identify citizens in need of state support in realizing their right to housing and the procedure for registration of such citizens. Conclusions. In order to radically change the legal paradigm and the psychological perception of people of the right to state assistance in the provision of housing, a new strategy of state housing policy and a new Housing Code is needed, which will fairly determine citizens eligible for state support, the type of state support and regulate the main provisions for registering such citizens and the register itself will be publically available.
Keywords: the right to housing, housing policy; registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions; housing obligations of the state.
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