Legal and Methodological Problems of Examining Damaged and Destroyed Housing Objects as a Result of Military Aggression and Damage Assessment
The purpose of the study is to provide proposals for taking several urgent measures at the national and local levels to provide methodological tools for collecting data regarding destroyed and damaged housing and establishing methods and methodological bases to assess damages caused by russia’s large-scale military aggression against Ukraine. Methodology. The methodological instrumentarium was chosen considering the set goal, the subject's specifics, and the study's object through a systematic comparative legal analysis of normative and legal acts of Ukraine developed to establish rules and methods of collecting data on destroyed and damaged housing and assessing the damage caused. In addition, the research methodology includes a critical analysis of the practical possibility of applying existing legal acts. Scientific novelty. The military aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine led to the large-scale destruction of residential and infrastructure objects. As a result, citizens, local self-government bodies, and state authorities have encountered a new challenge – the need to collect data on destroyed and damaged objects and assess the damage caused. Consequently, the government has adopted or amended separate legal acts that regulate recording, monitoring, and assessing damages. However, these issues have not yet been investigated at the scientific level, so the presented work is the first systematic scientific study in this direction, conducted after the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine (from 24 February 2022). Conclusions. The military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine led to the large-scale destruction of residential and infrastructure objects. The government took several measures to establish rules and methods for recording damaged and destroyed objects and assessing the damage caused by military aggression. Local self-government bodies are the key authorized bodies for implementing the mentioned measures. However, even considering the legal and regulatory measures taken by the government, there are still several gaps that need to be addressed so that it would be possible to fully and with maximum efficiency record the destruction and damage and assess the damage caused. The register of damaged and destroyed property should be created not only as an information base on actual destruction and damage but also as a source of information on the extent of damage caused and the need for restoration or compensation. In order to establish an accurate assessment of the damage caused, it is necessary to accelerate the development and approval of a detailed methodology in the direction of «the loss of housing stock and welfare objects», as provided by a special legal framework. Measures should also be taken to strengthen the capacity of local self-government bodies at the community level in creating local databases for mapping damaged and destroyed housing.
Keywords: military aggression; housing; infrastructure; improvement facilities; mapping; losses.
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