Hierarchical System of National Sources of Municipal Law of Ukraine

  • Volodymyr DEMYDENKO

    PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law
    and Human Rights of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

    Kyiv, Ukraine 



Abstract. Currently, there is an urgent need to increase the effectiveness of the legal regulation of public relations by the municipal law of Ukraine. The importance of municipal law in the legal system of Ukraine is extremely high both in the conditions of today's martial law and will especially increase in the post-war period of the flourishing of the Ukrainian state. After all, a significant part of public relations regarding the restoration of destroyed infrastructure, ensuring the normal life of residents of villages, towns, cities, districts and regions is primarily the task of the relevant territorial communities, local self-government bodies, their officials and officials. The above conditions the need for the formation of a modern theory of the sources of municipal law of Ukraine, their types, legal force, highlighting qualitative features, establishing the peculiarities of functioning in the current conditions, delineating development trends in the short-term, medium-term and long-term perspective, taking into account the irreversibility of the European and Euro-Atlantic course of Ukraine. The purpose of the publication is to study the hierarchical system of state-wide sources of municipal law of Ukraine according to their legal force. The research methodology is a system of theoretical principles (historicism, objectivity, pluralism, etc.), logical methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy, hypothesis, etc.) and specific means of research, which made it possible to fully reveal the hierarchical system of national sources of municipal law of Ukraine. The publication improves the scientific and theoretical understanding of the systems of state-wide sources of municipal law, their hierarchy by legal force. he development trends of the doctrine of state-wide sources of municipal law of Ukraine are determined. Practical significance of the formulated hierarchical system of sources of municipal law of Ukraine will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of legal regulation of municipal-legal relations in Ukraine


Keywords: municipal law; sources of law; state; hierarchical system; civil society



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Author Biography


PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law
and Human Rights of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

Kyiv, Ukraine 


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Philosophy and philosophy of law