Constantly Dominant Social Ideas of the Modern Era and the Modern Constitutional Space
Abstract. The article is devoted to the yet insufficiently researched issues of the impact of philosophical and legal ideas of the modern period on the formation and design of modern political, legal, and constitutional reality. It is proven that modern European legal culture and practice are largely determined by philosophical-legal concepts and natural-legal doctrine of the 17th-18th centuries, which in turn selectively absorbed the provisions of social ideas of the Middle Ages, Christian ideology, but at the same time had the character of a practical action guide and fixed the main worldview and mental guidelines of the society of that time. Philosophical and legal texts of thinkers of the modern era were written in a specific genre manner, which led to the transfer of their main provisions into political-legal, and legal documents. It was in such worldview and historical coordinates that the basic principles of territorial management in the state were formed through a clear delineation of the relationship between the center of management and the periphery. The text of the article analyzes the main socio-cultural and ideological prerequisites for the formation of such provisions of modern political and legal practice and constitutionalism as an independent national state, territorial and national sovereignty (using the example of the evolution of the phenomenon of sovereignty from the Middle Ages to modern times). Understanding the meaningful content of some institutions of constitutional and international law depends on clarifying the role and significance of the Westphalian peace treaties in the processes of creating the European system of law and order, the main principles of international security policy, etc. Attention is focused on the fact that the modern understanding of law is also derived from its interpretation in modern times (law as a contract, law as a sphere of secular human activity, law-making and law-making activity of the state, the state as a special subject of law).
Keywords: modern; law; constitution; constitutional space; safety law; state; sovereign state; international safety; law and order.
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