The Methodological Basis of the Study of the International Legal Order: Analysis of Modern Approaches


    PhD in Law,

    Doctoral Student of the Department of International Law and Comparative Law
    of the National Aviation University

    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract.  The full-scale invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine caused terrible consequences for the national, European and international legal order, international peace and security, existing legal systems of states and international organizations. In this connection, a question arises among scientists: is there sometimes a certain lag between theory and practice, a lack of scientific ideas, concepts, theories, and doctrines in this direction. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to generalize the methodological basis of the study of the international legal order, to highlight the key modern scientific approaches and their analysis. The methodological basis of the research is defined by its purpose and subject matter, it is a set of methodological principles and approaches, actually methods as specific methods and means of research, which allow to reveal the nature and essence, certain features of the development of the international legal order, its relationship with the institution of legal order. The scientific novelty consists in expanding ideas about the optimal methodological tools for the study of the international legal order as one of the key phenomena of modern legal reality. Research results. The methodological basis of the study of the international legal order is summarized and analyzed, attention is paid to the priority of using the following approaches: phenomenological, axiological, anthropological, hermeneutic, informational and communicative, synergistic, syncretic, activity, integrative, complex, etc. Practical significance. It is considered expedient to use multidisciplinary methodology, modernization approaches for proper multi-faceted further research of the international legal order, along with other international legal and constitutional, European and general civilizational values. This is especially important in the conditions of the legal regime of martial law, Euro-Atlantic integration and post-war peacebuilding.


Keywords: legal order; international legal order; international peace and security; methodology; methodological approach; method; principle; international law.


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Author Biography


PhD in Law,

Doctoral Student of the Department of International Law and Comparative Law
of the National Aviation University

Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law