International Legal Approaches to the Protection of Cultural Heritage


    Doctor of Law, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Institute of Lawmaking and Scientific
    and Legal Expertise of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
    Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Artur OHANOV

    Postgraduate Student of the Department of History and Philosophy of the Educational
    and Scientific Institute of Psychology and Law of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The need to analyze international legal mechanisms of the protection of cultural objects is primarily due to the circumstances in which modern society finds itself: geopolitical transformation processes, migration and trends towards multiculturalism, as well as the growing attention to the protection of human rights, among which cultural rights occupy not the last place. Ukraine, which is at the epicenter of changes of the world order, having chosen democratic European values ​​as the guideline for its further development, must make efforts to harmoniously ensure its future entry into the European community. The creation of the necessary legal basis will play a key role in this. On the other hand, to preserve national self-identity, immersion in multicultural communities requires the development of such policies that will maintain a balance between the borrowed and the own one. In these processes, international legal instruments, recommendations and decisions of international organizations can be used as a source of necessary information. The purpose of the study is to analyze the relationship between the regulatory legal acts of various international intergovernmental organizations and their effectiveness in protecting cultural rights through the preservation and protection of cultural heritage, as well as the possibility of liability for relevant violations. The basis of the research methodology is general scientific and theoretical methods, which made it possible to trace the dynamics of the development of individual international instruments for the protection of cultural heritage in historical retrospect, their stagnation by Ukraine in connection with external challenges. The scientific novelty of the study is the identification of the practical benefits and effects of the application of international norms for the protection of cultural heritage objects and cultural rights, and the identification of opportunities for legal influence on violators. The analysis conducted allows us to conclude that it is necessary to find ways to increase international legal liability for violations of cultural rights associated with the destruction or damage to cultural heritage objects, including those with a special international status.


Keywords: cultural and natural heritage; international protection; UNESCO; international documents; human rights.


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Author Biographies


Doctor of Law, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Institute of Lawmaking and Scientific
and Legal Expertise of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine


Postgraduate Student of the Department of History and Philosophy of the Educational
and Scientific Institute of Psychology and Law of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law