Doctrinal Characteristics of Public Services in Ukraine: Understanding and Classification

  • O. Strelchenko

    Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Management and Administration of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


The article gives a thorough description of the public service in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is doctrinal research and formulation of the definition of «public service» its features and classification. The interpretation of the definition is based on the hypothesis that determines its highest social value, which lies in the Ukrainian human-centrism and determines the functional unity (system) of the organization of public authority and public service on the basis of the administrative and legal position of its implementation. Methodology. To achieve this goal, we use general scientific and special methods, which are the means of scientific search. In particular, the method of system analysis, as well as system-structural, formal-logical and statistical methods provided an opportunity to analyze the public service and the activities of officials and officials. Public service as a social concept is used to determine the nature and mode of activity of people, reflecting the fact of social division of labor. The public service is organically connected with the state and local self-government bodies, their place and role in the life of society. In the activities of public service employees find their real embodiment of the task and functions of the state. Since the position contains a part of the competence of the relevant bodies, it is inseparable from its structure and at the same time aims at organizing the staff of the body public officials, which are officials and officials. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is the further elaboration of certain issues of the functioning of the public service and the activities of officials and officials. Conclusions.We summarize the main types of public service, which can be divided into two groups: civil public service; militarized public service. Civil public service is divided into: general public service; specialized public service (for example, diplomatic service). Militarized public service is divided into: military service; law enforcement, etc.

Keywords: public service; public service; activity; officialsofficials public authority; public administration; public administration.


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Author Biography

O. Strelchenko

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Management and Administration of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Law and Politics