The Influence of Post-Truth on Judicial Judgment: Past, Present, Future


Abstract. The rapid development of the information society, as the era of rapid access to information, has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. One of these shortcomings is the phenomenon of post-truth – the truth taken on faith (without checking the veracity of the facts). One of these shortcomings is the phenomenon of post-truth – the truth taken on faith (without checking the veracity of the facts). In the age of the Internet, this phenomenon develops in a geometric progression and every day it becomes closer to different segments of the population, organizations and groups. At that time, no matter how much the judiciary proclaimed its independence and striking changes as a result of the next reform, the influence on the inner conviction of the judge (judicial discretion) from the side of public opinion, certain cultural or political narratives, or general opinion (including on the Internet) was, is, and obviously – every year it will be even more important. Therefore, the author aims in this article to investigate the very phenomenon of post-truth, to find its negative manifestations at the judge’s discretion in the past and present, to determine methods of opposing this phenomenon, and to predict possible consequences in case of inaction in the future. In this article, the author revealed the very concept of post-truth using the methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization, analyzed its formation and development in historical retrospect, and with the help of deductive-logical analysis came to conclusions about the negative impact of post-truth on judicial discretion. Although the concept of post-truth itself is quite young, recently more and more scientists are directing their research in the direction of this topic. However, the impact of post-truth on judicial discretion has not been thoroughly investigated by anyone, especially in the Ukrainian scientific space and its realities. The obtained conclusions give the author reason to come to the opinion that no matter how the judicial branch of government is reformed, the manifestations of the post-truth already today have negative consequences for the judiciary, its influence is constantly growing, and if appropriate conclusions are not drawn and measures are not taken, in the future it may lead to irreparable consequences


Keywords: post-truth; judicial discretion; judiciary; philosophy of law; Internet; information; fake judge


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Author Biography


PhD in Law, Lawyer, Head of the Law Office of Roman Vandzhurak

Kyiv, Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law