Philosophical Problems of Law-Making


    Doctor of Law, Professor,

    Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
  • Mykhailo KOSTYTSKYI

    Doctor of Law, Professor, Academic of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

    Chief Researcher of the Department of Public and Legal Research of the Institute
    of Law-Making and Scientific-Legal Expertise of the National Academy
    of Sciences of Ukraine


Abstract. The need for a philosophical analysis of law-making is conditioned by the fact that it (law-making) is reduced in jurisprudence (in particular, in the theory of the state and law) exclusively to the activity of the state, while ignoring the participation in this process of subjects of civil society and individual citizens. The statement about law-making as an activity of the state "...with the participation of civil society" but still "in cases provided for by law" is the "most progressive" reasoning in jurisprudence, which is still tied to statism (exaltation of the role of the state). In Ukraine, which has taken a course for the development of the state and law according to the European liberal-democratic model, in the future (especially after the end of the war), the role of the state will inevitably decrease and the role of civil society will increase, especially in the field of law-making. Therefore, the rejection of the monopoly role of the state in this process is a requirement of the time, which should first be implemented at the theoretical level and later put into practice. The reduction of the role of the state in social management with the expansion of self-management will indicate the completion of a certain cycle of the development of society, which lasted approximately from the 7th millennium AD. until recent times. At the same time, law preceded the development of the state, and the state, having fulfilled its function, should leave the historical arena. And law-making, especially such an aspect of it as the growing participation of civil society in this process, is an illustration of the indicated trend.


Keywords: law-making; civil society; state; law; statute.


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Author Biographies


Doctor of Law, Professor,

Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic of the National Academy of Internal Affairs


Doctor of Law, Professor, Academic of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Chief Researcher of the Department of Public and Legal Research of the Institute
of Law-Making and Scientific-Legal Expertise of the National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine


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Philosophy and philosophy of law